Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Now How My Feet Gonna Fit In THOSE??!?

Aetherial Circle be kinda on a break this month. There just be too many buggers crashing at other buggers homes, too many buggers at them topless beaches in the Bahamamammas, and too many buggers what be sayin' "Screw it! I needs a break from draggin' that scrub Ratter's sorry arse up and down Mount Hyjal!" So, finding 25 adventurers just be too dang much.

So last night some of us went on a badge run in Kara instead. We had a good crew, including our uber "I'll just pull the whole room" tankadin, another dwarfish shadow priest from Team Brigin, merciless slave driver "I needs badges! Get me badges!" Shianti, and a noob huntard what sounded a lot like our Raid Leader. And we rocked the place. Full clear, no wipes, just over three hours. Fer the night at the Opera we got Oz, which I ain't never done before. Burned'em down, easy as you please, and piled in with the corpses we found these Ruby Slippers. Nobody else wanted'em, so I took'em. They might be a good upgrade fer me stamina gear, I ain't sure. I'll have ta check and find out. I can't be bothered ta keep track of the details. Thing of it is, I has trouble enough fittin' me big green feets inta regular dwarf boots. How I's gonna get'em into these little girl slippers, I got no fuhggin' clue.

Ooh, and I got me enough badges fer to go buy me some shiny hand-warmers. Accordings to the list, only kit better done come outta Sunwell, so they should last me a good long time. So I's a happy orc. Even if me toes is feeling mighty pinched...


Anonymous said...

Why do you think items become soulbound. As soon as your feet rip into them no one else is gonna be able to fit into them.

Pike said...

Grats, I'm sure you look absolutely fabulous in red.

Anonymous said...

Now he needss to get a blue and white dress, a brown wig, and a cute little dog that fits in a basket!